Embla Medical – Recording of Q3 2024 result presentation
Today, Embla Medical's CEO Sveinn Solvason presented and answered questions about the Q3 2024 results, the expectations for the rest of the year, and details about the increased reimbursement on the US market. Changes that creates a large market potential trough access to more advanced solutions for patients.
Embla Medical is a leading global provider of innovative mobility solutions in the medical technology space. Embla Medical improves people’s mobility through the delivery of Prosthetics, Bracing & Supports, and accompanying Patient Care. Headquartered in Iceland, the company employs over 4,000. Embla Medical has extensive operations in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, as well as distributors in other markets.
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Embla Medical for a Corporate Visibility/Digital IR subscription agreement. /Michael Friis, 15:38, 23 October 2024.
Embla Medical
Embla Medical er en islandsk virksomhed, der er aktiv inden for sundhed og lægehjælp. I dag er der forretningsmæssigt fokus på udvikling af knogleproteser, slidgigt og relateret skadesbehandling. Produkterne er tilpasset forskellige aldre og betingelser afhængigt af patientens sværhedsgrad. Virksomheden er etableret globalt med det største marked i Europa, efterfulgt af Nordamerika. Embla Medical blev grundlagt i 1971 og har sit hovedkontor med beliggenhed i Reykjavik.
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