Gubra: Wrap up from Q3 event with CEO Henrik Blou and CFO Kristian Borbos
We hosted an event with the company in connection with their Q3 report, where CEO Henrik Blou provided an in-depth overview of the pipeline, with particular focus on Amylin GUBamy, which is expected to have updates later in November. Additionally, CEO Henrik Blou discussed Amylin UCN2, which targets "High Quality Weight Loss." Both projects are internal, without external partners, and are focused on combination treatments with existing GLP1 products on the market. See the attached two slides on UCN2.
Regarding the project portfolio with Boehringer Ingelheim, and specifically the NPY2R project terminated in week 44, the company has no further information on why it was stopped—whether due to data or simple housekeeping on BI’s part. However, our impression is that the company will share this information with investors once they receive feedback from Boehringer Ingelheim.
CFO Kristian Borbos reviewed the results of the first nine months, highlighting strong underlying growth in the CRO business, primarily driven by “obesity.” In connection with the report, they adjusted their full-year 2024 guidance, raising the lower end of their previous guidance for both organic growth and EBIT margin in the CRO business, while maintaining expectations for the D&P business.
Both the CEO and CFO seem very pleased with the underlying growth in the CRO and see no dark clouds on the horizon.
Listen to the interview here: Gubra Q3 event
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Gubra for a Digital IR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement. /Claus Thestrup 10:45 AM 08-11-2024.
Gubra er en medicinalvirksomhed. Virksomhedens aktiviteter er fokuseret på de tidlige stadier af lægemiddeludvikling. De udfører hovedsageligt forskning og udvikling inden for stofskifte- og fibrotiske sygdomme.Virksomhedens produktportefølje omfatter flere brands og lægemidler, og aktiviteterne foregår på globalt plan med den største tilstedeværelse i Nordamerika og Norden. Hovedkontoret ligger i Hørsholm, Danmark.
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