OrderYOYO - Recording of H1 2024 presentation
Today, OrderYOYO's CEO Jesper Johansen and CFO Jesper Hyveled presented the results for the first half of 2024, expectations for the rest of the year, and M&A opportunities as part of their growth strategy.
Watch the recording here: https://www.inderes.dk/videos/orderyoyo-presentation-half-year-report-2024
OrderYOYO is a Danish Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company that provides takeaway restaurants with all the necessary software to serve their customers, including online ordering, payment, marketing, and business management solutions. The software enables restaurants to have their own-branded online presence directly to consumers instead of via food portals.
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from OrderYOYO for a Corporate Visibility/Digital IR subscription agreement. /Michael Friis 13.35, 26 August 2024.
OrderYOYO er aktiv i IT -sektoren. Virksomheden har specialiseret sig i udvikling af softwareløsninger specielt tilpasset restaurantindustrien. Softwaren er egenudviklet og bruges hovedsageligt til ordreplacering, betalingsløsninger, marketing og administration. Kunderne består primært af hotel- og restaurantdrift. Ud over hovedforretningen tilbydes forskellige værditilvækstydelser. Operationer er placeret på globalt plan med hovedsæde i København.
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