Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of Carlsberg A/S took place today, Monday, 17 March 2025.
The General Meeting approved the following:
- The Annual Report 2024.
- Discharge of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board in respect of the duties performed during the year.
- The Supervisory Board's proposal regarding the distribution of the profit for the year, including a dividend of DKK 27.00 per share.
- The Remuneration Report 2024.
- The proposal from the Supervisory Board for the remuneration of the Supervisory Board for 2025.
- The proposal from the Supervisory Board to reduce the Company's share capital with nominally DKK 32,000,000 for the purpose of cancelling treasury shares.
As proposed by the Supervisory Board, Henrik Poulsen, Majken Schultz, Magdi Batato, Lilian Fossum Biner, Bob Kunze-Concewitz and Punita Lal, were re-elected and Jens Hjorth and Winnie Ma were elected as members of the Supervisory Board.
As proposed by the Supervisory Board, the auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected as auditor and it was approved that the audit assignment also includes the issue of an assurance report on the sustainability reporting in the management review.
At the subsequent Supervisory Board meeting, the Supervisory Board elected Henrik Poulsen as Chair and Majken Schultz as Deputy Chair.
Investor Relations:
Peter Kondrup +45 2219 1221
Iben Steiness +45 2088 1232
Media Relations:
Kenni Leth +45 5171 4368
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