In accordance with the authorization granted by the AGM on 24 May 2023, the
board of directors of Arribatec Group ASA has decided to establish a long-term
incentive program (LTI 2023) for senior executives and key personnel employed by
the Arribatec group. The plan encompasses up to 3 435 866 shares. The company's
liability with respect to the scheme will be met through holdings of treasury
shares or by issuing new shares.
Under the LTI 2023, participants will receive share options, which can be
exercised by paying the predefined strike price. The strike price is set at:
o NOK 5.00 for the first vesting period from 1. November 2023 to 1. November
o NOK 5.25 for the second vesting period from 1. November 2024 to 1. November
o NOK 5.50 for the third vesting period from 1. November 2025 to 1. November
One share option gives a contingent entitlement to one share after paying the
strike price.
Vesting of share options presumes that the individual is an employee of
Arribatec Group or a subsidiary of Arribatec Group.
The LTI 2023 goes into effect on or around 19 November 2023.
Primary insiders in the company have been allocated the following grants of
options, according to the terms described above:
- Geir Johansen, CEO, has been granted 200 000 share options. Following the
grant, he holds 200 000 options in the company.
- Bente Brox, CFO, has been granted 180 000 share options. Following the grant,
she holds 180 000 options in the company.
- Ole Jakob Kjøvik, COO, has been granted 150 000 share options. Following the
grant, she holds 150 000 options in the company.
- Pål Stueflotten, CCO, has been granted 150 000 share options. Following the
grant, she holds 150 000 options in the company.
An additional 46 employees have been granted options, with volumes ranging from
17 000 options to 172 000 options.
Of the 3 435 866 share options, 3 318 240 share options have been granted.