Danish Technical University awards FOM Technologies contract to new state of the art laboratory facility.
Investor news no. 46 – 2025 |Copenhagen, the 4th of March 2025
The Danish Technical University (DTU) NanoLab acquires advanced slot-die coating equipment for a brand-new cleanroom facility.
The brand-new ISO7 cleanroom facility, known as the PolyFabLab at the National Centre for Nano Fabrication and Characterization at DTU NanoLab, has been equipped with a highly advanced slot-die coater from FOM Technologies. The slot-die coater enables highly precise thin-film deposition of organic solutions of polymers and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) typically used in MedTech and pharmaceutical research. This innovative tool will enable precise thin-film deposition of polymers and APIs, supporting breakthroughs in MedTech and pharmaceutical research.
Supported by grants from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the PolyFabLab seeks to close the gap between research labs and available cleanroom facilities. This enables researchers from academia, but also industrial users, to conduct experiments and advance their research in cutting-edge cleanroom facilities.
DTU professor Stephan Sylvest Keller on the lab’s development:
"We are very pleased to have the new FOM Technologies slot-die coater in the PolyFabLab at DTU NanoLab. It is a valuable addition to our cleanroom’s machine portfolio, expanding our capabilities in thin-film deposition. We are currently running some pilot projects on the system in collaboration with researchers at other DTU departments. This will allow us to gradually build up our knowledge base to efficiently support internal and external users who require precise thin-film coatings for their projects. We look forward to seeing how this technology enhances our research efforts and strengthens collaborations with academic and industrial partners."
CEO at FOM Technologies Michael Stadi states:
“We are very delighted and proud to be able to serve DTU with our advanced materials research equipment, especially since FOM Technologies was spun off from DTU - 12 years ago. We will do our best to support the PolyFabLab for mutual benefit by providing some of the worlds most advanced material research equipment here in Denmark for the Danish MedTech and pharmaceutical community.”
This investor news will not change the 2025 financial guidance for total income and EBITDA.
FOM Technologies A/S
CEO Michael Stadi
Phone: +45 20 66 60 44
E-mail: ms@fomtechnologies.com
Certified Advisor:
Norden CEF A/S
John Norden
Phone: +45 20 72 02 00
E-mail: jn@nordencef.dk
Gullev & Co. ApS
Boris Gullev
Phone: +45 31 39 79 99
E-mail: borisgullev@gmail.com
- Michael Stadi, CEO, +45 20 66 60 44, ms@fomtechnologies.com