Ålesund 16.05.2024
Golden Energy Offshore Services AS (the "Company") has today held the 2023
annual general meeting ("AGM") as a virtual meeting with online participation,
as called for on 2 May 2024. All resolutions were made in accordance with the
proposals set out in the meeting notice, including, but not limited to, the
conversion of the Company from a private limited liability company to a public
limited liability company (the "Conversion"), a reverse split of the Company's
shares and amendments to the articles of association.
The AGM also elected Rita Granrud, Susanne Munch Thore, Thomas John Scott and
Gideon Andrew Tuchman as new members of the board to replace the resigning board
members Fredrik Ulstein-Rygnestad, Morten Muggerud, Guillaume Philippe Gerry
Bayol and Per Ivar Fagervoll. Rita Granlund and Susanne Munch Thore are elected
with effect from the Conversion and Thomas John Scott and Gideon Andrew Tuchman
are elected with effect from the day after the Conversion is registered with the
Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises.
Following the completion of the registration of the Conversion, the board of
directors will consist of:
o Thomas John Scott (chairman)
o Atef Abou Merhi
o Gideon Andrew Tuchman
o Rita Granlund
o Susanne Munch Thore
Minutes from the AGM are attached to this notice and are also available on the
Company's website www.geoff.no.
For more information, please contact:
Per Ivar Fagervoll
Email: pif@geoff.no
Phone: +47 97428884
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.