Image Systems AB: Image Systems' business unit RemaSawco receives order from a larger group within the forest industry worth just under 7.5 MSEK
RemaSawco has received an order from a larger group within the forest industry for an automatic quality scanning system with strength grading and sorting for the combined dry sorter and planning mill at one of the groups sawmills. The order value amounts to just under 7.5 MSEK.
The order placed by the group to RemaSawco concerns an upgrade of the combined dry sorter and planning mill at one of the group's sawmills. The order includes an automatic quality scanning system with strength grading and sorting, primarily consisting of RemaSawco's market-leading board scanner, RS-BoardScannerQ, along with a number of supplementary products, options, and services. The agreement also includes training.
The total business value amounts to just under 7.5 MSEK.
Delivery, installation, and commissioning are planned to the summer of 2025.