Instabank has entered into an agreement to sell a significant part of the bank's
non-performing unsecured loans (NPL) in Finland, representing a gross booked
value of approximately 26 million euros. As a result of the transaction,
Instabank's total NPL ratio will decrease from 10.4 % to 5.9 % based on the
situation at the end of Q2-2024. The transaction includes the oldest portion of
Instabank's non-performing loans in Finland, and after the transaction, the
remaining NPL portfolio in Finland will be less than six months old.
The transaction will improve capital ratios, substantially reduce NPL exposure,
and confirm the valuation of impaired loans, as it is operating profit positive.
The transaction will be closed before the end of Q3-2024.
For further information, please contact: Robert Berg, CEO, +47
974 85 610
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.