JM Year-end Report January-December 2024
Improved earnings trend during the quarter in a cautious market.
- Revenue amounted to SEK 12,507m (13,851).
- Operating profit decreased to SEK 531m (732) and was burdened by impairment in development and project properties of SEK -72m (-258). The operating margin decreased to 4.2 percent (5.3).
- Profit before tax decreased to SEK 403m (632), and profit after tax decreased to SEK 246m (433).
- Return on equity was 2.9 percent (5.0).
- Earnings per share amounted to SEK 3.83 (6.72).
- Consolidated cash flow including net investment in properties amounted to SEK -268m (-48).
- The number of residential units sold increased to 2,778 (1,901), and housing starts increased to 2,237 (1,609).
- According to IFRS, revenue amounted to SEK 14,272m (15,969), and earnings per share to SEK 5.48 (15.95).
- Surplus value of development properties amounted to SEK 5.2bn (5.6).
- The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 3.25 (3.00) for 2024.
"We have significantly increased both sales and housing starts during the year."
Mikael Åslund, President and CEO
Financial information according to segment reporting.