Lindex Group Oyj: Notification of a change in holdings of shares and voting rights under chapter 9, section 10 of the Finnish Securities Market Act
LINDEX GROUP plc, Major shareholders announcements, 20.6.2024 at 8:30 EEST
Notification of a change in holdings of shares and voting rights under chapter 9, section 10 of the Finnish Securities Market Act
Lindex Group plc (the "Company") has received a notification, according to which Nordic Retail Partner JV Ky's holding in the Company's shares and voting rights will decrease below 15 per cent as a result of the directed share issue of 2,599,852 new shares (the "Share Issue), which the Company announced through a stock exchange release on 19 June 2024.
1. Name of the target company: Lindex Group plc
2. Date of the upcoming change in holdings (on or about): 24 June 2024
3. Total position of Nordic Retail Partners JV LP according to the notification:
| |% of |% of shares|Total of |Total number of shares|
| |shares|and voting |both in %|and voting rights of |
| |and |rights | |issuer |
| |voting|through | | |
| |rights|financial | | |
| | |instruments| | |
|Resulting |14.83%| |14.83% |161 622 896 |
|situation on the| | | | |
|date on | | | | |
|which threshold | | | | |
|was crossed or | | | | |
|reached | | | | |
|Position of |15.38%| |15.38% | |
|previous | | | | |
|notification | | | | |
|(if applicable) | | | | |
+----------------+------+-----------+---------+----------------------+Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed or reached:
|A: Shares |
|and voting |
|rights |
|Class/type |Number of shares and voting rights|% of shares and voting rights|
|of shares | | |
| | | |
|ISIN code | | |
|Direct (SMA |Indirect |Direct |Indirect |
|9:5) | | | |
| |(SMA 9:6 and 9:7)|(SMA 9:5) |(SMA 9:6 and 9:7)|
|FI0009000251|23973 564 | |14.83% | |
|SUBTOTAL A |23 973 564 |14.83% |
+------------+-----------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------+Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity:
|Name |% of shares|% of shares and voting rights|Total of both|
| |and voting |through financial instruments| |
| |rights | | |
|Nordic Retail |0% |0% |0% |
|Partners JV | | | |
|General | | | |
|Partner Ltd | | | |
|Nordic Retail |14.83% |0% |14.83% |
|Partners JV LP| | | |
+--------------+-----------+-----------------------------+-------------+The Company notes, for the sake of clarity, that the Company's understanding is that the information in Nordic Retail Partners JV LP's notification has been notified with the assumption that the new shares issued in the Share Issue announced by the Company through a stock exchange release on 19 June 2024 will be registered in the Finnish Trade Register on or about 24 June 2024.
The total number of shares in the Company that are registered in the Finnish Trade Register and the total number of voting rights conferred by such shares as at the date of this stock exchange release is 159,023,044. The total number of shares and votes in the Company will increase to the total number of 161,622,896 shares and votes notified in Nordic Retail Partners JV LP's notification, and Nordic Retail Partners JV LP's holding in the Company's shares and voting rights will decrease below 15 per cent, only upon the date that the new shares issued in the Share Issue have been registered in the Finnish Trade Register, on or about 24 June 2024. The Company will publish a separate stock exchange release after such new shares have been registered in the Trade Register.
Further information:
Jukka Naulapää, Chief Legal Officer, tel. +358 9 121 3850LINDEX GROUP plc
Susanne Ehnbåge
Nasdaq Helsinki
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