Q-Free ASA: Q-Free: Mandatory notification of trade; acceptance of mandatory offer
Reference is made to the mandatory cash offer by Juniper Holdco AS to acquire all shares in Q-Free ASA for a price of NOK 12 per share. Today the following primary insiders have accepted the mandatory offer in accordance with the offer document announced 26 October 2023:
Battelhavet AS, who is controlled by Chair of the Board Trond Valvik, has accepted the offer for all of its 280,000 shares in the company.
Illuminator AS, who is controlled by Vice Chair Geir Bjørlo, has accepted the offer for all of its 152,093 shares in the company.
Board member, Karin Sandsjö has accepted the offer for all of her 60 000 shares in the company.
T Christensen AS, who is controlled by Group CEO Trond Christensen, has accepted the offer for all of its 45,000 shares in the company.
EVP Tolling, Fredrik Nordh, has accepted the offer for all of his 40,000 shares in the company. Following the transaction, Nordh owns no shares in Q-Free ASA, and holds 634,700 share options in the company.
Employee-elected board member, Ane Dalsnes Storsæter, has accepted the offer for all of her 500 shares in the company.
Deputy Employee-elected board member, Sondre Staven, has accepted the offer for all of his 2,700 shares in the company.
Following the transactions, no primary insiders own any shares in the company.
Please see attached notification forms in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation article 19. This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Market Abuse Regulation Article 19.