With great sorrow, the Board of Directors and management of Storebrand received
the news of Marianne Bergmann Røren's passing on February 18th, after a
courageous battle with cancer. Marianne was a skilled and dedicated business
leader with deep insight into both our industry and the business world in
general. Since 2020, she has been a valued member of the Board of Directors at
Storebrand ASA. During these years, she successfully built a strong bridge
between strategic, commercial, and regulatory work.
Marianne had an impressive career, most recently as the CEO of Mesta AS. We will
remember Marianne for her strong commitment, warm personality, and unique
ability to inspire and lead. Her contributions to Storebrand and the business
community will be deeply missed. Our thoughts are with her family and loved ones
during this difficult time.
Until the upcoming ordinary annual general meeting is held, Storebrand will
continue with the remaining board which is in accordance with the company's
article of association.
Lysaker, 20 February 2025
For further inquiries, please contact:
Johannes Narum, Head of Investor Relations:
johannes.narum@storebrand.no or (+47) 993 33 569