The nomination committee's proposal for new board members in Berner Industrier
Berner Industrier's nomination committee proposes the election of Johan Lannebo and Pim Polesie at the annual general meeting on April 29, 2025.
Johan Lannebo is co-founder of Lannebo Fonder and has worked as a fund manager and board member since the start in 2000. Prior to that, Johan has worked as an equity analyst, broker and fund manager since 1989. Johan has a degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics.
"As an investor, I have followed Berner Industrier since its listing in 2014. I look forward to now also getting involved as a board member and hope to contribute to future shareholder value creation," says Johan Lannebo.
Pim Polesie is CEO of Gårdaverken AB and Head of Customer Success at Era of We. Pim holds a master's degree and a licentiate degree from Chalmers University of Technology and also holds a master's degree from Northumbria University.
"I look forward to participating in systematically building Berner Industrier for the future and thereby contributing to long-term value creation," says Pim Polesie.
Furthermore, the nomination committee proposes the re-election of Joachim Berner, Lars Gatenbeck, Kerstin Gillsbro, Helena Grubb, and Pia Irell. Carl-Adam Rosenblad has declined re-election. The nomination committee's other proposals will be published in connection with the notice of the 2025 Annual General Meeting.
Berner Industrier's nomination committee for the 2025 Annual General Meeting includes Sten Ankarcrona appointed by Concejo, Isolde Berner, and Joachim Berner appointed by Gårdaverken.