Wetteri Oyj: Decisions of the inaugural meeting of Wetteri Plc's Board of Directors
Wetteri Plc Stock exchange release 22 May 2024 at 6.15 pm
Today, at its inaugural meeting after the Annual General Meeting (AGM), Wetteri Plc's Board of Directors, elected at the AGM, elected Markku Kankaala as Chair and Hannu Pärssinen as Vice Chair from among its members. The other members of the Board are Martti Haapala, Mikael Malmsten, Satu Mehtälä and Aarne Simula.
At the Board's inaugural meeting, Satu Mehtälä was elected as Chair of the Audit Committee, and Markku Kankaala and Hannu Pärssinen were elected as the members of the Audit Committee. Samuli Koskela, secretary to the Board of Directors, was elected as secretary to the Audit Committee. Hannu Pärssinen was elected as Chair of the Remuneration Committee, and Mikael Malmsten, Martti Haapala and Aarne Simula were elected as its members.
Further information:
Aarne Simula, CEO, Wetteri Plc
Tel. +358 400 689 613, aarne.simula@wetteri.fi
Panu Kauppinen, CFO, Wetteri Plc
Tel. +358 44 236 3740, panu.kauppinen@wetteri.fi
Wetteri Plc - an entrepreneur-driven growth company in the automotive sector
Wetteri Plc is an entrepreneur-driven growth company in the automotive sector. The company engages in the retail sales of passenger cars, commercial vehicles and heavy vehicles, and produces maintenance and repair shop services for vehicles, from passenger cars to heavy vehicles. Headquartered in Oulu, the company has 49 locations in Finland. The company employs nearly 1,000 people, of whom around 70% work in maintenance and repair services. Wetteri promotes digitalisation in the automotive sector and is an important player on the common journey towards emission-free motoring. More information: sijoittajat.wetteri.fi/en/