ISS (One-pager): Refreshed strategy towards stable growth and increasing investor returns
Following ISS’s recent annual report FY2024, we publish our investment case one-pager introducing ISS, outlining the investment case as the company pursues its refreshed strategy, with focus on stable organic growth and increasing returns to shareholders. The one-pager also highlights key investment risks, key investment reasons, and valuation perspectives against a group of publicly traded peers.
You can also learn more about ISS by catching up on the presentation of the annual results 2024, with ISS CEO Kasper Fangel here:
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from ISS for a DigitalIR/Corporate visibility subscription agreement./ Philip Coombes 04/03/2025 08:53
ISS er en servicevirksomhed, der tilbyder services inden for rengøring, sikkerhed, samt catering. Eksempler på tjenester omfatter vedligeholdelse og tilsyn, gulvpleje og vinduespudsning, planteindretning og telefoni. Kunder findes i de fleste brancher og på globalt plan med de største aktiviteter på det nordiske marked. Virksomheden har hovedsæde i Søborg.
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