Roblon (One-pager): Q3'23/24 returns to positive earnings while divestment of US FOC is initiated
Read the latest Roblon One-pager update following the Q3 2023/24 results. The One-pager includes a brief description of Roblon, an update to the high-performance cable component industry outlook, latest financials, valuation perspectives relative to a peer group, and outlines several key investment risks and key investment reasons.
Roblon realised strong growth in its composite business in Q3 2023/24 (+71% y/y), but ongoing weakness in the FOC business (-10% y/y). Overall, the company returned to positive EBIT in Q3 but remains with a negative EBIT 9m’2023/24. Roblon also announced its plans to divest the US-based FOC operations and maintains its full-year guidance.
To learn more about Roblon, read the full one-pager below or catch up on the latest presentation of the H1 2023/24 event, hosted with Co-CEO and CFO Carsten Michno.
Link to event:
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Roblon for a DigitalIR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement. / Philip Coombes 11:00 27/09/2024
Roblon er aktiv i fremstillingsindustrien. Virksomheden udvikler fiberkabler med glasfiber og tilhørende mekaniske værktøjer til industriel brug. Produkterne sælges under forskellige mærker, tilpasset forskellige processer og miljøer. Kunder findes i flere sektorer, hovedsageligt i industrien og blandt aktører i olie- og gassektoren. Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 1954 og har sit hovedkontor med beliggenhed i Frederikshavn.
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