Agillic: Preliminary 2024 below expectations, sets focus on earning in new 2025 goals
Ahead of its full year reporting still expected to be released on 25th February 2025, Agillic's today published preliminary results for 2024, and set new guidance for 2025. As always as it’s the case with preliminary figures, they are unaudited, and therefore can be subject to changes.
Both on revenue and ARR the result came below expectations. ARR from subscriptions is expected to be DKK 54.3m, and therefore under the guidance of DKK 56-60m. ARR from transactions is expected to be DKK 11.2m, which is in line with the guided interval of DKK 10-14m. Revenue is expected to be DKK 60,2m, a decline of around 7% compared to 2023, and below the guided range of DKK 62–66m
Despite the shortfall in revenue, the company is delivering on its targets of positive earnings. The EBITDA of DKK 1m, which is in line with guided range of DKK 0-2m.
For 2025, Agillic expect revenue in the range of DKK 60-63m, an EBITDA of DKK 5-8m. ARR from subscriptions is expected to grow to DKK 56-60m.
It stands out on, that earnings are expected to grow at a much faster space than the topline, indicating that the new management’s focus for the coming year will be on that. The Company also hints at a new strategy, which we will set focus on improved sales in core markets, new product offerings/features, and lastly a robust organization.
How the building blocks for the new guidance and strategy are put fully together, we will have to await the FY 2024 report; together with management, we will hold an online presentation the same day.
Sign up for the presentation here:
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Agillic for a Digital IR/Corporate Visibility agreement. /Michael Friis 17:02, 06-02.2025.
Agillic er en dansk Software as a Service (SaaS) virksomhed inden for marketingteknologi (MarTech), med hovedkontor i København, Danmark. Agillics omnichannel marketing automation platform giver brands mulighed for at arbejde med datadrevet indsigt og indhold for at skabe, automatisere og sende personlig kommunikation til millioner af personer. Beviste forretningscases findes inden for detailhandel, finans, turisme, energi og forsyning, teknologi og software, underholdning og spil, medier og forlag, velgørenhed og NGO og i abonnementsvirksomheder på tværs af alle brancher.
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