Hafnia: Opsummering fra investorseminar
Hafnias CEO Mikael Skov præsenterede på sidste uges HCA investorseminar og beskrev virksomhedens rejse efter børsnoteringen, samt de vedvarende stærke markedsforhold i produkttankmarkedet.
Hafnia, der nu er en førende ejer af produkttankskibe, fremlagde sine forventninger om fortsat gunstige markedsforhold på baggrund af en aldrende flåde, og fremhævede virksomhedens udbyttepolitik om at tilbageføre 80-90% af indtjeningen til aktionærerne, baseret på det nuværende forhold imellem gælden og værdien af flåden (LTV).
Se præsentationen (PDF) her: Link
HC Andersen Capital modtager betaling fra Hafnia for en Digital IR/Corporate Visibility abonnementsaftale. /Rasmus Køjborg, CFA kl. 10:40 d. 24/09-2024.
Hafnia is an international shipping company that specializes in the transportation of oil and chemical products. It started trading in Norway on the NOTC marketplace for unlisted shares in 2013. In 2019 Hafnia listed on the main market in Norway – Oslo Stock Exchange. The company, headquartered in Singapore, operates in the product tanker market, where it manages six pools combining self-owned and externally-owned vessels to benefit from economies of scale. The pools distribute profits/loss across all vessels in the pool, and Hafnia charges a commission for operating externally-owned tankers. Hafnia’s six pools are categorized by vessel size/type, and reflect the fleet of vessels it owns. Its six pools are the: Handy Pool, MR Pool, LR Pool, LR2 Pool, Specialized Pool and Chemicals Pool. The MR and LR pools are considerably outsize the Handy and Specialized pools in terms of revenue and fleet size. Hafnia’s pools are primarily active in the product tanker spot market, but has also recently ramped up on chemical tankers. In addition, Hafnia procures the bunker fuel for its partners at competitive prices for which it receives a commission.
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