Mdundo – Præsentation af H1 2024/25 resultater
Med baggrund i det netop aflagte H1 2024/25 regnskab, afholdt vi i dag en præsentation med selskabet ledelse efterfulgt af en Q&A session. Fokus var rettet mod kvartalets finansielle resultater samt ikke finansielle KPI’er, markedsforhold, samt hvor selskabet står lige nu på deres rejse mod profitabilitet.
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital modtager betaling fra Mdundo for en Corporate Visibility/Digital IR abonnementsaftale. Michael Friis kl. xx.xx, d. 07-02-2025. operates in the entertainment industry. The company runs a music platform containing a wide range of streamed music from around the world, with a special niche towards African music. The services are offered via streaming and subscription, where the user can create their own library and various music collections. The users mainly consist of private actors. The head office is located in Charlottenlund.
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