Odico: Annoncerer ordre på ca. DKK 3 mio. fra kunde i energisegmentet

Odico har her til eftermiddag annonceret en ny ordre til en eksisterende kunde i energisegmentet. Ordren er indenfor Odicos forretningsområde Digital Fabrikation. Det fremgår i investornyheden, at ordren repræsenterer en omsætning på ca. DKK 3 mio. og vil blive leveret løbende fra Odico i første kvartal 2024.
Af konkurrencemæssige hensyn har Odico ikke oplyst flere detaljer om ordren.
Ud fra ordrens værdi udgør ordren mellem ca. 12-14% af selskabets guidance for omsætningen i 2023/2024, der er på en omsætning i intervallet DKK 22-25 mio.
Læs mere om ordren her: https://view.news.eu.nasdaq.com/view?id=bd1bbc2c2197d89672cb08911934711f6&lang=da&src=listed
HC Andersen Capital modtager betaling fra Odico for en Digital IR/Corporate Visibility abonnementsaftale. /Kasper Lihn kl. 15:42 d. 08-01-2024.
Odico is a Danish-based company that supplies robot technology to the construction industry. This is an industry that is characterized by low use of technology and therefore has seen very low productivity gains historically. Odico’s solutions are based on standard robots combined with proprietary hardware and software. The company operates two business areas, i.e. Digital Fabrication, where the company delivers solutions such as molds to the construction industry on individual orders, and Robot solutions, which brings the robot solutions directly to the construction site. Besides productivity improvements, Odico’s technology is also targeting to help the construction industry and reduce its CO2 emissions.
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