Rovsing – Optagelse af H1 2024/25 resultat præsentation
Med baggrund i det netop aflagte H1 2024/25 regnskab, afholdt vi i dag en præsentation med CEO Hjalti Pall Thorvardarson efterfulgt af en Q&A session. Fokus var rettet mod halvårets finansielle resultater, markedsforhold, forventninger til indeværende år, potentiel kapitalrejsning samt, hvor de står lige transformationen om at flytte sig ud af en flerårig stabiliseringsfase til en ny vækstfase.
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital modtager betaling fra Rovsing for en Corporate Visibility/Digital IR abonnementsaftale. Michael Friis kl. 14.48, d. 22-02-2025.
Rovsing is a technology company. The company specializes as a technical developer of test systems, products and services for satellites. The company develops systems, products and software solutions for the satellite and space industry. Examples of solutions that the company develops are checkout and validation systems and related engineering services. Rovsing was founded in 1992 and has its headquarters in Glostrup.
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