RTX - Video med præsentation af årsregnskabet for 2023/24
Se med her hvor CEO Peter Røpke og CFO Mille Tram Lux præsenterer årsregnskabet for 2023/24, forventningerne til 2024/25 og svarer på spørgsmål fra publikum.
Se optagelsen her: https://www.inderes.dk/videos/rtx-praesentation-af-arsregnskabet-for-202324
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital modtager betaling fra RTX for en Digital IR/Corporate Visibility abonnementsaftale. /Rasmus Køjborg, CFA kl. 10.10 d. 05/12-2024.
RTX is an IT company that focuses on the development of wireless communication for industry and healthcare. The services include a wide range of cloud-based services, IP solutions, system integration, and radio systems. In addition, mechanical design is offered adapted for 3D and PABX-integrated solutions. Customers are found among small and medium-sized companies. RTX was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Nørresundby, Denmark.
Read more on company page