2023 no. 3 – Nasdaq Copenhagen has accepted Sanistål's request for delisting of its shares from Nasdaq Copenhagen
Aalborg, 4 January 2023
As announced in company announcement no. 2/2023, Sanistål A/S ("Sanistål"), has, upon request from Ahlsell Danmark ApS ("Ahlsell"), requested Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S ("Nasdaq Copenhagen") to remove Sanistål's shares from trading and official listing at Nasdaq Copenhagen.
Nasdaq Copenhagen has accepted this request. Consequently, the last day of trading and official listing of the shares in Sanistål (ISIN DK0010245661) on Nasdaq Copenhagen will be 30 January 2023.
Further information
Chairman of the board of directors, Anders K. Bønding, may be contacted through Pia Kristensen, head of communications at Sanistål, tel. +45 9630 6000, mobile +45 4117 8617.
This message has been prepared in both English and Danish. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Danish versions, the Danish version shall prevail.