Protector Forsikring ASA recorded a profit of NOK 1,539m (1,509) for 2024. The
insurance service result was NOK 1,404m (1,080), corresponding to a combined
ratio of 88.1% (88.5). The total return on investments including insurance
finance was 846m (944). The return on investments excluding insurance finance
was 4.9% (7.9).
In 2024, gross written premiums ended at NOK 12,333m, up 18% (15 % in local
currencies) relative to 2023.
Protector Forsikring ASA recorded a profit of NOK 248m (676) for the fourth
quarter. The insurance service result was NOK 502m (361), corresponding to a
combined ratio of 84.2% (86.4). The total return on investments including
insurance finance was -67m (504). The return on investments excluding insurance
finance was -0.4% (5.1).
In Q4, gross written premiums amounted to NOK 2,688m, up 30% (27% in local
currencies) relative to Q4 2023.
The Board has, in accordance with the mandate received from the Annual General
Meeting in 2024, decided to distribute a dividend of NOK 330m, corresponding to
NOK 4.00 per share. The payment will take place on 13 February 2025.
The SCR-ratio was 193% (195) year-end, post dividend.
Further details are provided in the attached report and presentation, which
include definitions of financial key figures.
Oslo, January 29th 2025
Protector Forsikring ASA
This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl
(Norwegian Securities Trading Act)