On 30 December 2024/14th January 2025, a demerger was completed in Mertoun
Capital AS, a close associate of Jostein Devold, member of the board of
directors of Ayfie International AS (the "Company"), through a resolution in the
Company's general meeting. In this connection, Mertoun Capital AS has disposed
of 992.250 shares in the Company as consideration to the assignee company in the
demerger. Following the demerger, Jostein Devold holds a total of 82.264 shares
in the Company, equal to approximately 0,39% of the outstanding shares in the
Company, through Mertoun Capital AS.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in article 19 of the
Regulation EU 596/2014 (the EU Market Abuse Regulation) and section 5-12 of the
Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
For more information, please contact:
Jostein Devold, member of the board, +47 90 88 00 49, jd@mertoun.no