Reference is made to Aker BioMarine ASA's (the "Company") stock exchange
announcement earlier today regarding the offer of new shares to employees in the
Company and its Norwegian subsidiaries (the "Employee Share Purchase Program")
and the board of directors' resolution to increase the share capital of the
The following primary insiders of the Company have applied for, been allocated
and subscribed new shares in the Company at the offer price of NOK 54.56 per
share in the Employee Share Purchase Program.
- Matts Johansen, CEO, has subscribed for 879 new shares in the Company for a
total subscription amount of NOK 47 958. Following the subscription, Johansen
controls 1,095,837 shares in the Company.
- Katrine Klaveness, CFO, has subscribed for 879 new shares in the Company for a
total subscription amount of NOK 47 958. Following the subscription, Klaveness
controls 6,623 shares in the Company.
- Simon Seward, CEO Human Ingredients, has subscribed for 879 new shares in the
Company for a total subscription amount of NOK 47 958. Following the
subscription, Seward controls 3,783 shares in the Company.
- Tone Lorentzen, COO Human Ingredients, has subscribed for 879 new shares in
the Company for a total subscription amount of NOK 47 958. Following the
subscription, Lorentzen controls 8,283 shares in the Company.
- Trond Atle Smedsrud, CEO Emerging Business, has subscribed for 879 new shares
in the Company for a total subscription amount of NOK 47 958. Following the
subscription, Smedsrud controls 11,289 shares in the Company.
- Anniken Færgestad, VP Finance, has subscribed for 879 new shares in the
Company for a total subscription amount of NOK 47 958. Following the
subscription, Færgestad controls 2,489 shares in the Company.
- Lars Jacobsen, General Counsel, has subscribed for 879 new shares in the
Company for a total subscription amount of NOK 47 958. Following the
subscription, Jacobsen controls 3,473 shares in the Company.
- Kristin Holmgren, Board Director, has subscribed for 879 shares in the Company
for a total subscription amount of NOK 47 958. Following the subscription,
Holmgren controls 4,346 shares in the Company.
Attached to this announcement is supplementary information regarding primary
insiders' share subscriptions.
For further information, please contact
Christopher Robin Vinter, VP Strategic Finance & IR
Mobile: +47 911 60 820
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
About Aker BioMarine:
Aker BioMarine is a leading human health and nutrition innovator that develops
krill-derived products for consumer health and nutrition. Krill is a natural,
powerful, and health-promoting source of nutrients from the pristine waters of
Antarctica, and Aker BioMarine has a unique position in its industry. The
ingredient portfolio consists of Superba Krill Oil, Lysoveta, FloraMarine, and
PL+, as well as the consumer brand, Kori Krill. The innovative approach also
extends into the spin-offs AION (reduce and recycle plastic waste across
industries) and Understory (a protein brand). Aker BioMarine is listed on the
Oslo Stock Exchange (AKBM). More information is available at