Please find enclosed the report for Q2 2024 from Aurora Eiendom AS.
o Rental income in Q2 was NOK 147 million (NOK 143 million), which corresponds
to a like-for like growth of 2,7 %.
o Net income from property management was NOK 120 million in the quarter (NOK
118 million).
o In Q2, new leases were started on a total area of 5 094 sqm, while leases for
8 683 sqm expired. Occupancy was 96,6 % at the end of the quarter.
o Vacancy increased in this quarter compared to the previous quarter. This is in
part due to the termination of two large leases in the portfolio. In August, a
new lease was signed to replace one of these contracts.
o The quarter s gross tenant turnover in our wholly owned centers was NOK 2 191
million, which is a like-for-like growth of 2,5 % compared to Q2 2023.
o During Q2 Alti Forvaltning increased its shopping center portfolio by two
centers, now managing a total of 51 centers across Norway.
o All of Aurora Eiendom s shopping centers are now BREEAM In-Use certified,
with the following results:
-Alti Farmandstredet and Alti Nordbyen: Very Good.
-Alti Amanda, Alti Nerstranda, Alti Gulskogen, and Arkaden: Excellent.
-Alti Buskerud and Alti Vinterbro: Outstanding.