Boliden Q4 2024: Future-proofing Boliden - Announced acquisition, improved performance and strong cash flow
"In the last quarter of the first century of Boliden's operations, we are once again showing that we have a fundamental stability in both our business areas. Among our mines, the general development is particularly positive in the Boliden Area as well as Garpenberg. In our smelting operations, our Finnish units are again showing the greatest strength." - Mikael Staffas, President and CEO
- Revenues: SEK 25,785 m (20,754)
- Operating profit: SEK 4,098 m (2,096)
- Operating profit excl. PIR*: SEK 3,814 m (2,017)
- Free cash flow: SEK 4,264 m (1,663)
- Earnings per share: SEK 10.95 (6.06)
*Process Inventory Revaluation
- Free cash flow was SEK 4,264 m (1,663) partly thanks to working capital release
- Prices and terms contributed positively
- Higher volumes in both Mines and Smelters versus fourth quarter of 2023
- Ramp-up of mine production in Tara
- The dam project in Aitik is completed and expansion project in Odda is close to completion
- Strong production in Smelters, especially at Harjavalta and Kokkola
- Agreement to acquire the mines Neves-Corvo and Zinkgruvan from Lundin Mining
- The Board of Directors proposes to cancel the ordinary dividend for 2024, in order to reduce the proposed share issue with the corresponding amount
The Interim Report will be presented via webcast/conference call on Thursday, February 6 at 09:30 (CET). Information is available at
For further information, please contact:
Olof Grenmark
Director Investor Relations
+46 70 291 57 80
This information is information that Boliden AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of Director Investor Relations, at 07:45 CET on February 6, 2025.