Oslo, 5 March 2025: Reference is made to the announcement from CodeLab Capital
AS (the "Company") on 20 February 2025 regarding the resolution by the Company's
Board of directors to increase the share capital by NOK 3.846099124 by issuance
of 28 new shares, each with a par value of NOK 0.137360683.
The share capital increase has today been registered with the Norwegian Register
of Business Enterprises. Following such registration, the share capital of the
Company is NOK 46,949,022.95 divided into 341,793,750 shares, each with a par
value of NOK 0.137360683.
The share capital increase shall facilitate the consolidation of the Company's
shares (reverse share split) by way of 50 existing shares, each of par value NOK
0.137360683, being consolidated to one share with par value NOK 6.86803415.
This information is published in accordance with the requirements of the
Continuing Obligations.
For further information, please contact:
CEO Kristian Ikast: ki@codelabcapital.com
CFO Christoffer Mathiesen: cm@codelabcapital.no