Oslo, 20 February 2025
Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement published by CodeLab
Capital AS (the "Company") on 13 February 2025, regarding the approval by the
Company's extraordinary general meeting on a reverse share split in the ratio
50:1 (the "EGM"). As described in the minutes of the EGM, the Company must issue
28 new shares in order to obtain a total number of shares which is possible to
divide by 50.
Pursuant to the board authorization granted in the in the extraordinary general
meeting held on 10 July 2024, the Board of directors has now resolved to
increase the Company's share capital through the issuance of 28 new shares at a
subscription price equal to the nominal value of the Company's shares, NOK
0.137360683. Following registration of the share capital increase with the
Norwegian register of business enterprises, the Company's share capital will be
NOK 46,949,022.94513120, divided by 341,793,750 shares, each with a nominal
value of NOK 0.137360683.
The new shares were subscribed by Lorenz AS, a company associated with primary
insider Anton Lorenz Bondesen, Chairman of the Board.
Please see the attached PDMR-form for further details.
This stock announcement has been published pursuant to article 19 of the EU
Market Abuse Regulation and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading