Comment from the board of directors of Rolling Optics in view of the public offer from François-Charles Oberthur
Comment from the board of directors of Rolling Optics in view of the public offer from François-Charles Oberthur
François-Charles Oberthur SAS ("FCO") has today announced a cash offer to the holders of ordinary shares (the "Shares"), preference shares (the "Preference Shares") and warrants of series TO2 (the "Warrants") of Rolling Optics Holding AB (publ) ("Rolling Optics") to tender all their Shares to FCO at a price of SEK 0.75 per Share, all their Preference Shares at a price of SEK 2.97 per Preference Share and all their Warrants at a price of SEK 0.225 per Warrant (the "Offer"). The acceptance period for the Offer is expected to commence around 17 January 2023 and expire around 7 February 2023.
For further information regarding the Offer, refer to the press release that FCO announced today on 16 January 2023, as well as the complete offer document that is expected to be announced around 17 January 2023. These documents will be available on FCO's website and through a link on Rolling Optics' website.
The board of directors will now evaluate the Offer and thereafter publish a statement regarding the Offer at latest two weeks before the end of the acceptance period.
In view of the Offer and identified interest from other industrial actors the board of directors will also carry out a review of various strategic alternatives.
For further information, please contact:
Johan Stern, chairman of the board, +46 709 62 98 44
Otto Drakenberg, CEO, +46708 64 55 04