On 13 February 2025, the following primary insiders purchased shares in Elmera
Group ASA:
Rolf Barmen (CEO) has purchased 10,000 shares in Elmera Group ASA at an average
price of NOK 33.00. After this transaction, Rolf Barmen holds a total of 89,052
shares in Elmera Group.
Henning Nordgulen (CFO), through his wholly-owned investment company North Hill
Invest AS, has purchased 10,000 shares in Elmera Group ASA at an average price
of NOK 32.50. After this transaction, Henning Nordgulen holds a total of 70,000
shares in Elmera Group.
Anne Marit Steen (Board Member), through the closely associated company
Sivilingeniør Helge Hopen AS, has purchased 5,000 shares in Elmera Group ASA at
an average price of NOK 32.60. After this transaction, Anne Marit Steen holds a
total of 12 958 shares.
For further information, please contact: Morten A. W. Opdal, Head of Group
Accounting, Reporting and IR, +47 970 62 526