Eniro Group: Eniro evaluates separate listing of Dynava and mandates Carlsquare to prepare a proposal on how to proceed
The board of directors of Eniro Group AB ("Eniro" or the "Company") is evaluating the possibility of separating the business operations of Dynava, an innovative outsourced customer care provider of contact center solutions for the public and private sectors in Sweden, Finland and Norway. Dynava also has its own research and development department focused on helping customers streamline, automate and integrate AI into their customer service processes.
Dynava accounts for more than a third of Eniro Group's sales, but has a lower margin than the group's other operations. In recent years, the synergies between the businesses have gradually diminished and they are now run as separate companies.
"We see a separate listing of Dynava as an opportunity to create greater shareholder value. By developing Eniro as a leading player in digital marketing, the visibility of the value we are building in the business will increase. At the same time, Dynava will be in a better position to develop as an independent company," says Hosni Teque-Omeirat, CEO of Eniro Group.
Carlsquare appointed to evaluate approach
To ensure an efficient and value-creating process, Carlsquare, a leading advisor on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and capital markets transactions, has been appointed to analyze and present different options for a separate listing of Dynava. The aim is to identify the best structure to create long-term shareholder value and provide Dynava with the right conditions for future growth.
The Board intends to provide further details once the analysis has been completed and a decision taken on how to proceed.
Next steps
If the Board decides to proceed with a separate listing, the proposal will be put to shareholders at a general meeting. Implementation will be subject to shareholder approval and the necessary regulatory processes.
Further information on the process and timetable will be provided as it becomes available.
For more information, please contact:
Hosni Teque-Omeirat,
President and CEO Eniro Group AB (publ)
Tel: +46 (0)70-225 18 77
E-post: hosni.teque-omeirat@eniro.com
This information is information that Eniro Group AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 18.30 CET on 19 February 2025.
Eniro exists for companies that want to achieve success and growth in their market. Today, Eniro optimizes the opportunity for companies to create local presence, searchability and marketing digitally. This makes Eniro an important partner for small and medium-sized companies. The company's clear goal is to give SMEs the same conditions and resources that large companies have access to. Eniro offers a platform that optimizes local marketing through intelligence, automation and streamlining of communication. In the digital landscape, Eniro partners with the largest media groups in the world.
Eniro Group AB (publ) is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (ENRO) and operates in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. In 2023, the Eniro Group had sales of SEK 960 million and approximately 900 employees with headquarters in Stockholm. The group also includes Dynava, which offers customer service and answering services for major companies in the Nordic region, as well as directory assistance services.