EOS Invest AB applies for delisting
The Board of Directors of EnergyO Solutions Invest AB (publ) ("EOS Invest" or "the Company") has applied for the delisting of the Company's shares from the Nasdaq First North Growth Market ("Nasdaq First North").
The rationale and timing of this decision to apply for the delisting of EOS Invest shares from Nasdaq First North was described in the Company's press release (https://www.eosinv.com/news-and-press/press-releases/press-release/?itemID=539A6127D0A7BA83) on April 6, 2023. As stated in that press release, delisting of the shares will not not adversely affect any of the rights of the Company's shareholders defined in the Company's Articles of Association.
The last day for trading in the Company's shares on Nasdaq First North will be announced when EOS Invest receives confirmation of this from Nasdaq Stockholm.