Invitation to Hexatronic's Investor Update
Hexatronic will host a digital Investor Update on Friday, March 28, 2025, welcoming investors, analysts, and media to participate. The purpose is to provide an in-depth view of the Group's business areas and the markets in which they operate in connection with the transition to new segment reporting.
As previously announced, Hexatronic's focus areas – Fiber Solutions, Harsh Environment and Data Center – will transition to business areas and be reported as segments as of the first quarter of 2025.
The presentation will start at 13.00 CET and last at most until 16.00 CET, including a Q&A session. Among others, Hexatronic's President and CEO Rikard Fröberg and CFO Pernilla Lindén, and those responsible for each business area, will participate.
Participants can register to follow the investor presentation live via this link:
Questions can be asked in writing during the presentation via a web form in the link above.
A recorded version of the digital investor presentation will be available on Hexatronic's website after the event.