LED iBond: Business Transacted at the Annual General Meeting, 24 April 2024
The annual general meeting of LED iBond International A/S was held today in accordance with the previously announced agenda. The following resolutions were passed:
1. The Board of Director's report on the activities of the Company during the past financial year was noted.
2. The annual report was adopted.
3. The proposal to transfer the profit for the year as stated in the annual report was adopted.
4. The proposal to grant discharge to the Board of Directors and the management was adopted.
5. The proposal for remuneration of the Board of Directors was adopted.
6. The proposal to re-elect Beierholm, Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab, CVR no. 32895468, as the company's auditor was adopted.
7. The proposal to elect four members to the Board of Directors was adopted.
8. The Board members up for re-election, Michael Brag, was re-elected. Martin Kjær Hansen and Jeppe Tanggaard Jacobsen have decided to step down from the Board of Directors. Michael Brag thanked Martin Kjær Hansen and Jeppe Tanggaard Jacobsen for their contribution to LED iBond International. Three new board members were elected: Christel Kniep, Henrik Mørch and Michael Winther.
9. The proposals from the board of directors and the shareholders
9a. Proposal to delete current authorisation to the board to issue warrants and insert the
the following wording in section 3.2 in the articles of association:
"At the general meeting on 24 April 2024, it was resolved to delete the remaining part of the authorisation to issue warrants pursuant to section 3.2. The Board of Directors still has the authorisation to carry out the required capital increase for already issued warrants.
9b. Proposal to delete current authorisation to the board to increase share capital and issue convertible debt instruments
I. The authorisation to increase share capital under section 3.4 in the articles of association of the Company
II. The authorisation to issue convertible debt instruments under section 3.5 in the articles of association of the Company
III. The authorisation to increase the share capital under section 3.6 in the articles of association of the Company
were all adopted.
9c. Amendment of the Articles of Association was adopted.
Questions from the shareholders were presented at the general meeting. Specifications in this regard is available in the complete minutes at the company's website.
10. The proposal to authorise the chairperson with right of substitution to apply for registration of adopted proposals with the Danish Business Authority was adopted.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors held immediately after the annual general meeting, Michael Brag was re-elected as chairman of the board.
The complete minutes of the annual general meeting and Articles of Association will be available on the company's website www.ledibond.com from today.