Prisma Properties Year-End Report Q4 2024
Q4, October - December 2024
- Rental income: SEK 102 (100) million
- Net operating income: SEK 90 (93) million
- Net financial items: SEK -29 (-59) million
- Profit from property management: SEK 47 (15) million
- Adjusted profit from property management, excluding items affecting comparability and exchange rate effects: SEK 47 (36) million
- Unrealised changes in the value of properties: SEK 32 (-42) million, corresponding to a value increase of 0.45%
- Net profit/loss for the period: SEK 81 (-99) million, corresponding to SEK 0.49 per share (-0.97) before and after dilution
January – December 2024
- Rental income: SEK 393 (345) million
- Net operating income: SEK 344 (314) million
- Net financial items: SEK -131 (-158) million
- Profit from property management: SEK 129 (98) million
- Adjusted profit from property management, excluding items affecting comparability and exchange rate effects: SEK 156 (128) million
- Unrealised changes in the value of properties: SEK 1 million (-162), corresponding to a value increase of 0.01%
- Net profit/loss for the period: SEK 36 (-138) million, of which net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders amounted to SEK 36 (-133) million, corresponding to SEK 0.25 per share (-1.33) before and after dilution
CEO’s Comments
Growth all the way into 2025
The fourth quarter has been characterised by strategic property acquisitions at a total value of SEK 525 million, and several newly signed leases.
“Rental income increased by 18% to SEK 102 (87) million during the fourth quarter, and net operating income adjusted for non-recurring income in the comparison period increased by 13% to SEK 90 (80) million. Adjusted profit from property management excluding items affecting comparability and exchange rate effects increased to SEK 47 (36) million. We are again delivering strong net lettings, which totalled SEK 15 million in Q4, further demonstrating our ability to generate growth and improve our profitability.
We have the right conditions in place to continue with profitable project development and strategic acquisitions. In February, we reached agreement with our largest lenders on new terms for the majority of our loans. This will further strengthen our earnings and financial position,” says Fredrik Mässing, CEO of Prisma Properties.
The full CEO statement is available in the report.