Proposal for election of the board of Carasent AB (publ)
The nomination committee in Carasent has submitted a proposal for election of the board ahead of the 2025 annual general meeting.
The nomination committee in Carasent, which consists of Niclas Lindlöf (appointed by Vitruvian Partners), Anna Sundberg (appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder) and Elisabet Jamal Bergström (appointed by SEB Investment Management), has today submitted the following proposal for the 2025 annual general meeting:
The nomination committee proposes that the board of directors should consist of 6 board members. The following ordinary members are proposed: Johan Kallblad (election), Dr. Carol Wildhagen (election), Cecilia Lager (election), Camilla Skoog (re-election), Henric Carlsson (re-election) and Tomas Meerits (re-election), all elections for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting. It is further proposed to elect Tomas Meerits as new chairman of the board of directors. Petri Niemi (chairman of the board) and Ulrika Cederskog (ordinary member) have declined re-election.
Further information regarding the proposed new board members and other proposals will be published in connection with the notice to the annual general meeting.
The Annual General Meeting of Carasent AB (publ) will be held on April 23, 2025.