Q-linea awarded first public tender in Belgium
Q-linea AB (publ) (OMX: QLINEA) today announces that the company has been awarded the tender at Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc in Brussels, Belgium for the ASTar® Instrument and Consumables through its Distribution Partner Biomedical Diagnostics.
The tender is expected to be formalized in the next 30 days by the hospital administration. “We are excited about the awarding of this tender, the first in Belgium, through our partner Biomedical Diagnostics. It is very pleasing to see that once again, ASTar has received the highest technical score among all competitors as further evidence of the excellent performance of our system in the growing rAST segment. This is another indication of how ASTar is becoming the reference system across Europe for the optimal treatment of patients affected by bloodstream infections” said Franco Pellegrini, VP Sales EMEA at Q-linea.
Previous communication: July 2, 2024: https://qlinea.com/mfn_news/q-linea-participates-in-first-public-tender-in-belgium/?ln=en