Bergen, 28 February 2025: Primary Insider Torvald Ulland Reiestad, Chief
Financial Officer of Scana ASA, has 28 February 2025 acquired 66,429 shares in
Scana ASA at an average price of NOK 2.18 per share. Following this transaction,
Torvald Ulland Reiestad owns 1,331,755 shares in Scana ASA.
For more information, please contact:
Pål Selvik, CEO, Scana ASA, +47 970 46 502
Scana in brief
Scana is an active industrial owner of technology and services to both the
energy and offshore industries. With an industrial history dating back to the
early 1900s, Scana has evolved to become a leader in technology and innovation.
This journey has provided a unique position to shape solutions for tomorrow,
driven by extensive industrial experience combined with quality and value
creation. Scana is headquartered in Bergen and has above 600 employees.