On February 18, 2025, Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB a subsidiary of Nordnet AB
(publ), net bought 14,477 shares in Nekkar ASA (ISIN NO0003049405). After these
transactions, Nordnet AB (publ), through its subsidiaries, held a total of
5,928,354 shares in the company on a consolidated basis, representing 5.52 % of
the outstanding shares and votes in the company.
The ownership distribution among Nordnet AB (publ) subsidiaries is as follows:
Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB: 5.001%
Nordnet Livsforsikring AS: 0.516%
Nordnet Bank AB: 0.002%
Nordnet AB (publ) does not exercise voting rights for these shares.
This disclosure is made in accordance with sections 4-2 and 4-3 of the Norwegian
Securities Trading Act and is subject to the disclosure requirement pursuant to
section 5-12 of the same Act.