Sporcon Lifescience Advisors ApS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ulrik Spork, the
COB in the Company, has bought 9.999.854 shares. As a result, Ulrik Spork and
his fully owned companies own 20.000.000 shares.
Charlotte Pinholt, the Senior Director of CMC has bought 8.012.024 shares in the
Company. As a result, Charlotte Pinholt owns 8.012.024 shares.
For any questions please contact:
Ingrid Juven, CFO SoftOx Solutions AS
Mail: ir@soft-ox.com
Phone: Ingrid Juven: (+47) 918 76 165
About SoftOx Solutions AS:
SoftOx Solutions AS (SoftOx) is a medtech and pharmaceutical company listed on
Euronext Growth Oslo under 'SOFTX'. SoftOx Solutions AS was founded in 2012 and
is headquartered in Oslo. The SoftOx Solutions Group includes the holding
company SoftOx Solutions AS, subsidiaries SoftOx Defense Solutions AS and SoftOx
Wound & Skin Care AS, and a Swedish subsidiary Water Innovation AB (WIAB).
SoftOx is developing highly effective antimicrobial solutions for use in
biofilm, viral, and antimicrobial-resistant infections. The patent-protected
technology is based on extensive research and development in partnership with
leading Nordic research institutes.
For more information on SoftOx, visit www.soft-ox.com