Transactions made under Storebrand ASA's share buyback program
Announcement date of the share buyback program: 24 April 2024
End date of the share buyback program: 20 December 2024
Overview of transactions
Date Aggregate daily Volume weighted Total
volume (no. of average price transaction
shares) (NOK) value (NOK)
08.07.2024 60 832 108.36 6 591 914
09.07.2024 80 000 107.60 8 607 720
10.07.2024 20 000 107.99 2 159 848
11.07.2024 25 000 108.95 2 723 638
12.07.2024 51 826 109.88 5 694 807
Total previously announced 4 212 039 109.49 461 187 377
transactions under the
Total transactions under the 4 449 697 109.44 486 965 308
Following the above listed transactions, Storebrand ASA owns a total of 8 653
648 own shares, representing 1.93% of Storebrand ASA's share capital.
Attachment: An overview of all the completed transactions under the program for
the dates specified above is attached to this notification and available on
Lysaker, 15 July 2024
For further inquiries, please contact:
Johannes Narum, Head of Investor Relations: or (+47) 993 33 569
Storebrand is a Nordic financial group, delivering increased security and
financial wellness for people and companies. We offer sustainable solutions and
encourage our customers to take good economic decisions for the future. Our
purpose is clear: we create a brighter future. Storebrand has about 55.000
corporate customers, 2.2 million individual customers and manages NOK 1,298
billion. The Group has its headquarter at Lysaker outside of Oslo, Norway.
Storebrand (STB) is listed on Oslo Stock Exchange.
This is information is pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to
the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities
Trading Act.