Telenor ASA has engaged DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA ("DNB Markets") to
conduct a buyback of own shares to be used in the Company's share programmes in
2025 for employees in Telenor Group.
The shares shall be used to meet obligations towards employees who participate
in the Company's general employee share plan (ESP).
The buyback will be conducted in a period lasting from 11 February 2025 to 17
February 2025. The total purchase amount will be NOK 103 500 000. The maximum
number of shares to be acquired is 2 070 000.
The buyback will be done on basis of authorization granted at Telenor ASA's
Annual General Meeting on 7th May 2024. The authorisation is for buyback of up
to 10,000,000 shares to be used in the share programmes, at a share price of
minimum NOK 50 and a maximum NOK 250.
For further information, please see the minutes of the AGM and the Annual Report
for 2024, both available at Telenor's website: