The Nomination Committee in Boozt proposes election of Fiona Mullan as new ordinary board member
Ahead of the Annual General Meeting on April 24, 2025, the Nomination Committee in Boozt AB (the ”Company”) proposes that Henrik Theilbjørn, Jón Björnsson, Cecilia Lannebo, and Julie Wiese are re-elected as ordinary board members, that Fiona Mullan is elected as new ordinary board member, and that Henrik Theilbjørn is re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Fiona Mullan, born 1969, has over 25 years of professional Human Resources (HR) experience in developing people and teams within international organisations and among others has held positions with Microsoft (2005-2014), Facebook (2014-2020) and (2020-2021). Fiona Mullan is currently Chief People Officer at Bloom & Wild (2022-).
Fiona Mullan spent nine years at Microsoft as Senior HR Director for Asia Pacific and some six years at Facebook/Meta as Head of HR for Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) and Vice President of International HR. At, a high-growth technology and communications business, where Fiona Mullan was Chief People Officer until the company was exited end of 2021.
Fiona Mullan is an Irish citizen.
Education: Master of Science, Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1992. Bachelor of Arts (Hons), History and Politics, University College Dublin, 1990.
Other current assignments: Board member at Canonical and Kara Connect. Member of the University Governing Authority & the Finance Committee at University College Dublin.
Shareholding in the Company: -
The current board members Aileen O`Toole and Benjamin Büscher have declined re-election.
The Nomination Committee's other proposals and reasoned statement will be presented in connection with the announcement of the notice to the Annual General Meeting 2025.
The Nomination Committee for the 2025 Annual General Meeting consists of Anders Lund (Chairman), appointed by BLS Capital Fondsmæglerselskab A/S, Joakim Gjersøe, appointed by Ferd AS, Claus Wiinblad, appointed by Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension (ATP), and the Chairman of the Board of Directors Henrik Theilbjørn.