The Nomination Committee of Castellum proposes that Stefan Ränk is elected as new Board member
The Nomination Committee of Castellum Aktiebolag proposes election of Stefan Ränk to Castellum's Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 7 May 2025.
Stefan Ränk, born in 1967, has extensive and comprehensive experience from the real estate industry. Stefan Ränk is the President and CEO of Einar Mattsson AB, and has previous experience from, inter alia, Leimdörfer (now Nordanö). The Nomination Committee deems that Stefan Ränk is independent in relation to the company and its management as well as in relation to the company's major shareholders.
As previously announced, the Nomination Committee proposes that the current member and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Louise Richnau, is elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Nomination Committee’s complete proposal for resolutions at the Annual General Meeting 2025, including its motivated statement, as well as additional information regarding the proposed Board members, will be published on the company's website no later than in connection with the publication of the notice convening the Annual General Meeting 2025.
For further information, please contact:
Per Berggren, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Castellum Aktiebolag, +46 70 553 80 48
Helen Fasth Gillstedt, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, +46 70 670 54 54