The Nomination Committee's proposal for the Board of Directors for 2025
The Nomination Committee of Midsona AB has announced that it will submit the following proposal for Board of Directors to the Annual General Meeting on 7 May 2025.
The Nomination Committee's proposal means that the Board of Directors will consist of seven members, without deputies, during the coming term of office.
The Nomination Committee proposes that the current Board members be re-elected, i.e. that the Board shall consist of Patrik Andersson, Tomas Bergendahl, Anna-Karin Falk, Jari Latvanen, Sandra Kottenauer, Anders Svensson and Johan Wester.
Furthermore, it is proposed that Patrik Andersson be re-elected as Chairman of the Board.
The Nomination Committee includes:
Henrik Munthe, Stena Adactum, Chairman of the Nomination Committee
Bengt Belfrage, Nordea Fonder
Rune Bro Róin, ROIN Holding ApS
The Nomination Committee's complete proposal will be presented in the notice of the Annual General Meeting and the proposal and the reasons for the proposal for the composition of the Board of Directors will also be available at the same time on the company's website, The Annual General Meeting will take place on 7 May 2025 in Malmö.