Multiconsult (Oslo: MULTI)
Reference is made to announcement of, 22 November 2024, in which Multiconsult
Norge AS was nominated to deliver consultancy services for the new Tretten
Innlandet County Council has decided to cancel the tender process. The
cancellation follows a complaint and a review that identified issues with the
award criteria used in the tender process. As a result, the contract award to
Multiconsult Norge AS is no longer valid. Multiconsult will assess the situation
and consider potential next steps.
A new tender process is expected to be initiated.
For further information please contact:
Investor Relations:
Pål-Sverre Jørgensen, Group Treasurer & IRO
Phone: +47 416 111 61
E-mail: /
Gaute Christensen, VP Communications
Phone: +47 911 70 188