WALLENSTAM: Events during the second quarter, 2024
During the quarter, Wallenstam started the construction of 408 apartments in Årstaberg, Stockholm. In addition, Wallenstam has acquired land in Älta, Nacka, and sold building rights in Umami Park, Sundbyberg.
An inauguration ceremony for the construction of the 408 apartments in Årstaberg, Stockholm, took place in May with Magdalena Andersson, leader of the Swedish Social Democratic party, and CEO Hans Wallenstam as well as invited guests. All in all, Wallenstam had 1,238 apartments under construction as of June 30, 2024.
In April, Wallenstam acquired land, Nacka Älta 69:4, from Nacka Municipality for a purchase price of SEK 136 million. An additional purchase price of SEK 15 million shall be paid in April 2026.
Wallenstam has also sold the properties Sundbyberg Freden Större 15, 21 and 22 including ready-to-use building rights. The sale has been carried out through company transactions to Sundbyberg Relder AB, a JV company owned by Reliwe Sverige AB and Derome Husproduktion AB, for an agreed property value of SEK 147 million and with vacation of the properties on May 31.